Thursday, November 16, 2023
What do you send to a prospective client before you arrive to meet them?
Deniz Yusuf (our BDM Coach) signed up 900 managements over 4 years and here is the exact pre-listing appointment email template and wording he used, plus also we have listed the attachments you can add to the email as well.
Make sure you amend the letter to suit your circumstances.
Attachments Deniz added to this pre-listing appointment email are-
• Your PM Brochure.
• Property Marketing examples/Links
• Office Promotions
• PM Prospectus/E-booklet
• Agent Profile/Bio
• Service Standards
• Your Guarantee
• Latest PM Newsletter or Blog
• Example detailed Routine Inspection Report
• Example of a detailed Ingoing/Move in/Property Condition Report
• Part-Sample of your Property Owner’s Handbook
Here’s the wording to the pre-listing appointment email
Hi Mr. Prospective Property Owner,
Thanks for your time on the phone today regarding our property management services and your property, and we also appreciate that you have given me a call regarding what you’re looking for and needing.
The email below is just a rundown of property management information that will help you understand how investment properties are managed and looked after.
It’s important to us that our Property Owners have not just a quality service but also up to date trained staff looking after your investment property.
You see… good Property Management isn’t just about collecting the rent and charging a fee.
We stay up to date with all changes to legislation (and there’s lots of them) and we undertake regular training so we can continue to assist you in gaining the highest rental return and provide the best advice to work in your best interests you and your investment property.
A safe starting tenant strategy for your property.
We highly recommend that with any new tenant that we start first off with an initial 6-month lease, as we feel that a ‘settling and performance proving’ period is required.
If it’s an existing tenant and we know their immediate rental history for the last 1-2 years, we’re happy to offer longer 12-month terms with your approval. Previous performance is a good indicator that lets us know what we can expect for your rental property over the next 1-2 years.
We will keep a close watch on your rental property!
We do routine inspections at X months, then again at X months. This way, if the tenant is not paying their rent on time and/or not looking after the property and/or doesn’t keep their gardens neat and tidy, we have the opportunity to give an X day Breach/Termination Notice just prior to their expiry date.
Once this date passes, we have to give X days’ notice (not counting if they breach their lease by not paying rent or disturbing the neighbours)
Property Owners can attend any routine inspection (on request- just email us) and we provide you with a written report that includes professional recommendations that can help achieve a higher return and an updated rental market opinion.
Why we insist that the RENT is PAID ON TIME!
“Zero Tolerance” is our policy for late rent and tenants sign their acknowledgement of this when they take possession of your property at the tenancy start.
Our Agency late rent figures was a phenomenal low X% last week, far better than the industry standard (80% of agents have more than 5% of tenants over 3 days late in rent at any time).
That means X% of our tenants are paying their rent on time, every time..and we keep a close watch on the remaining X%
We are a member of a Tenant Default Database.
We are also a member of a highly regarded ‘blacklist’ Tenant Default Database (add Database name).
This national database leads the way in national tenancy databases and default tenancy control systems. This is set up to protect you against default tenants that may try to ‘slip through the system’.
So, if they’ve had a bad tenancy history or left a property damaged, we’re notified prior to their application approval…not find out after they have moved in.
Prevention is key!
Another advantage of this is, if one of our tenants are lodged onto this database, they’ll find it very difficult to rent a property anywhere else.
We highly recommend you have Quality Landlord Insurance…always (here’s why)
Regretfully no matter how well we process a tenancy application, a tenant’s circumstances can change at a moments notice, and just like building insurance (you have it just in case of a fire, impact and storm damage etc) you need to be protected against unexpected tenancy events that can affect your investment property with regards to rent payments, tenant malicious damage etc.
One of the BIGGEST MISTAKES we see is a property owner make is thinking that their building insurance will cover rent default and tenant malicious damage, or that because you have a property manager then that will give you the guarantee of no issues. That is simply not the case.
Further, we have seen property owners secure their Landlord Protection insurance from a financial institution or even from a supermarket!
That said, it’s not hard to see that these type of policies do not perform well at claim time, have high excesses or even will not perform at all.
Our Agency has access to Quality Landlord Protection Insurance cover and we will be glad to point you in the right direction for cover that we are experienced with, so you can see if this cover is right for you and your circumstances.
We will RENT your property FAST…here’s why!
Did you know that each week your property sits vacant, you are losing about 2% of your annual income?
We have a very low vacancy rate that has consistently been sitting under the marketplace average.
Our agency average for (month name) was X%, the local market average was X%
These statistics are from (name source here)
We’re consistently achieving this by having our staff members keep track of all tenant enquiries and inspections, via our online booking systems.
We also have a stringent tenancy database system that we use, keeping us up to date with pre-approved tenants ready to move into any suitable properties.
You can view our current properties for rent right here, to see how we will market your rental property (insert website link here).
We have now leased X properties over the last month.
Our online application and booking process is continually keeping our vacancy rate at record lows. This new system that we are using is not just helping our property owners but also making it easier for our prospective tenants in finding and applying for properties, speeding up the process of renting property.
We email a report each week to our property owners of the progress of their property when it is vacant. They also receive an email report directly from the viewing, of feedback from prospective tenants and our leasing agents.
Our advertising campaign is leading edge in comparison to other agents. We utilise 12 websites using upwards of 12 pictures, plus a ‘walk-through video’ allowing tenants to quickly qualify for their own suitability at your property.
Currently have over X registered tenants with X tenants actively looking for properties right now.
We feel our property management team is leading the way in the area with renting property quickly.
We have X staff members in our property management department to ensure your property is maintained at the highest level possible.
You will be supplied a Property Owner’s Handbook if you choose us.
For all new property owners that choose us, you will be supplied our exclusive ‘Property Owner’s Handbook’. This is a Comprehensive ‘User-Manual’ on how we operate and everything that you can expect covering all frequently asked questions our new property owners ask, a checklist to get your property ‘tenant ready’ and what you can expect from our services, in a comprehensive list of what we do.
I know that with the team we have and with responses we’re receiving from our property owners, we are offering you an overall better quality property management service than any other agency in the area.
I hope that the information provided here is sufficient and I’d be glad to discuss any questions that you may have.
Also, please check out our online reviews here (insert Google Reviews Link).
Kind regards,
(Your name)
(Email Signature)
The complete PM HANDBOOK on how to WIN THE BEST FEES with new clients and INCREASE YOUR FEES with your current clients without losing them to cheaper agents
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Join two of the world’s TOP BDM Coaches, Deniz Yusuf and Michael Sanz, as they coach you to the next level in your BDM results.