The Unbusy Podcast Show shows you how to ‘unbusy’ your PM team and be able to take away up to 80% of the everyday mundane tasks they get burdened with so you can free them up to focus on more dollar-productive, high-value activities that will strengthen and grow your rent roll. For more information go to
Episode #55- Annoying Mistakes when managing a Virtual Assistant
When you’ve taken on board a virtual assistant you’ve got a great solution to unbusying your team. BUT that is just the start of your journey. Here are some mistakes you can easily avoid that can turn into big issues later on if you don’t stay on top of these. Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping).
Episode #54- [Bad Review Autopsy] “They have stopped answering emails”
Bad online reviews from landlords send the chills down the spine of any rent roll business owner. This 2-year-old 1-star review from an angry landlord shows clear service neglect by staff. Sure the review is old but it still speaks loudly to anyone looking for a new property manager. Michael Sanz gives you the full, complete analysis and autopsy on this review. Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping)
Episode #53- How INTERRUPTIONS are losing you valuable new business!
It’s no secret that the biggest complaint that property owners have about property managers is a lack of communication. From not returning new business calls to being too busy to return emails and calls, being ‘too busy’ has awful consequences for any rent roll. Michael Sanz gives you the full, complete solution. Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping)
Episode #52- How to UNBUSY Your DIARY using VA’s
Set your property managers free of diary management and appointment setting when using your virtual assistant. So much time is wasted booking in repetitious appointments like routine inspections, or having to play email ping-ping simply to get someone booked into your diary. In this podcast episode Michael discusses how you can get a VA to do all of this for you. Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping)
Episode #51- How to UNBUSY your EMAILS and set your PM team free!
In this podcast episode we outlay how you can very quickly unshackle your PM team for being chained to their email inbox by knowing how to use trained virtual assistants to do all the heavy lifting for you, so you only need to attend the emails that just need you, and your team can focus on more high-value tasks that only they can do! Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping)
Episode #50- Where have all the Property Managers gone?
There’s no doubt that we have a shortage of quality property managers. There’s FOUR BIG reasons why, and Michael Sanz together with Darren Hunter explore these reasons PLUS deliver the ONE big solution that other business owners are doing to solve it. Contact Michael at Get the 30 tasks in Michael’s book at (just pay shipping)
Episode #49- Adding Desk Costs- the Full Cost of Employing Locally
When real estate business owners employ someone locally to do everyday repetitive mundane tasks they fail to add up the total cost of employment that includes ‘desk costs’ as well, which are the extra ‘add-ons’ that simply come with having someone based at your location. Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @ Get the 30 tasks list at
Episode #48- SEVEN Red Flags to BEWARE when Interviewing a VA
Michael Sanz has interviewed thousands of Virtual Assistants and outlines SEVEN red flags you must watch out for. Ignore these and you could very well be in for a bad Virtual Assistant experience. Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @ Get the 30 tasks list at
Episode #47- Michael the ‘CandyMan Entrepreneur’ and Thinking Differently
When Michael was ten years old, his parents said “If you want pocket money, go and earn it”… and so he did. Noticing a ‘gap in the market’ at school in Grade 5, he became the school ‘CandyMan’, earning more than his parents were paying their restaurant staff! This story really sets the stage for Michael much later to find new ways to run his property management team leading to Virtual Assistant entrepreneurship. Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @ Get the 30 task list at
Episode #46- The Philippine Annual TBD Christmas Party and Team Culture
Darren Hunter and Michael Sanz recorded this podcast episode while waiting at the Sydney International Airport for their Manila flight, to attend the annual Philippine TBD Christmas Party where we fly our whole TBD team from around the country to converge at an exotic Philippine location. In this podcast episode, Michael explains the importance of team culture and why this investment into this annual event is so important for everyone. Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @ Get the 30 task list at
Episode #45- Beating the Staffing and Salary Crisis- The New Normal
Rent Roll Bosses are calling us saying they no longer can find new staff and when they do, they’re asking for unsustainable salaries as their fees and revenue cannot support this expense. What can you do now to ensure that your rent roll doesn’t crumble under the same crisis? Michael Sanz and Darren Hunter give you real-world solutions of what you can be doing right now to deal with this issue that will affect so many rent rolls.
Episode #44- VA Sweatshops Versus WFH Model
Many don’t realise that when you employ a Virtual Assistant their mental and physical health is greatly impacted by the work conditions they’re employed under. Being forced into a cramped work environment under ‘the rod’ of demanding supervisors with a very noisy open plan workspace, and then also having to travel up to 6 hours a day to and from work in very difficult Manila traffic conditions. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz and Darren Hunter explain how these models work, how they impact Virtual Assistants and why a ‘work from home’ model is a lot more caring, sustainable and healthy for your Virtual Assistant team member.
Episode #43- EA for Hire: Training Ynna for Meeting Management
Continuing with training Ynna for an EA role with a real estate boss, Michael Sanz discusses with Darren Hunter the third important foundational base- Meeting Management (after email and diary management in the previous episode). Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @
Episode #42- EA For Hire: Training Ynna for Email and Diary Management
Michael is currently training EA Ynna to place under a real estate boss to assist keeping them productive, and in this episode Michael Sanz discusses with Darren Hunter the first two foundations of training- Email and Diary Management. Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @
Episode #41- EA for Hire: How Michael recruited Ynna as an EA
In this podcast episode Darren Hunter and Michael Sanz discuss the Ynna the new EA Michael has recruited to personally mentor train and place under a business owner (Ynna is for hire). In this episode we discuss her background, and what special things Ynna does that makes her a quality EA (and NOT a VA). Contact Michael at on how an EA or VA can work with you and your team @
Episode #40- When BUSY becomes BURNOUT for Business Owners
Get too busy in the business and you stand to lose your mental health, your business and even your relationships with your loved ones. In this episode Michael Sanz from Teams by Design shows you the solutions you can implement right away that will turn around burnout fast. If you’re burnt-out as a business owner, listen to this episode! Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well, or just book in direct @
Episode #39- When BUSY becomes a BURDEN for Business Owners
Getting too busy doing the wrong things keeps you away from being the ‘rainmaker’ for your business. In this episode Michael Sanz from Teams by Design looks at the core issues that keep you busy, but away from the high-value dollar productive tasks you really need to be doing. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well, or just book in direct @
Episode #38- Get EA Unbusy with Travel and Personal Management
Bosses: Right now your time is being smashed doing tasks that an Executive Assistant could be doing instead, allowing you to focus a lot more on the high-value tasks that will propel your business forwards. In this podcast episode, we take a look at how you can be unbusy with your data entry, e-filing and your travel bookings and personal appointments. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well, or just book in direct @
Episode #37- Get EA Unbusy with your Emails, Calls and Appointments
Bosses: Right now your time is being smashed doing tasks that an Executive Assistant could be doing instead, allowing you to focus a lot more on the high-value tasks that will propel your business forwards. In this podcast episode we take a look at how you can be unbusy with your email management, calls and appointment bookings. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well, or just book in direct @
Episode #36- Eight Essential Ingredients that make a Great EA
Bosses- you need to fire yourself from doing $10 and $15 hour tasks, stop burning long hours using up family time and get rid of your ‘ball and chain’ by setting yourself free by hiring an Executive Assistant. Here are the EIGHT key attributes in an EA you need to look out for! Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well, or just book in direct @
Episode #35- How to RECRUIT an Executive Assistant… working remotely
The Philippines is a great place to find the right person who can take the workload off your shoulders, do your mundane low-end tasks and make your life as a boss so much easier.
BUT you can’t just employ anyone for this skilled professional role. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz from Teams By Design explains how you find them, what skills and background you’re looking for plus some other factors you’ve never even considered. If you’re burnt out and want someone to shoulder the mundane workload for you that just keeps you busy but not productive… listen to this episode. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well.
Episode #34- How to FIND an Executive Assistant… working remotely
The Philippines is a great place to find the right person who can take the workload off your shoulders, do your mundane low-end tasks and make your life as a boss so much easier.
BUT you can’t just employ anyone for this skilled professional role. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz from Teams By Design explains how you find them, what skills and background you’re looking for plus some other factors you’ve never even considered. If you’re burnt out and want someone to shoulder the mundane workload for you that just keeps you busy but not productive… listen to this episode. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well.
Episode #33- Get Your Life Back- with an Executive Assistant
Bosses everywhere first went into business for freedom reasons, but over time inadvertently became a slave to what they created, making them resentful and burnt-out. Join Michael Sanz from Teams By Design and Darren Hunter from IGT as they discuss the freedom they’ve experienced by hiring an Executive Assistant (each), and how you can do it too, at a THIRD of the price of an in-office EA. Contact Michael at on how this can work for you as well.
Episode #32- Dealing with the DANGER of Data Breaches
The media has recently brought to the real estate industry the issue of data breaches and working with Virtual Assistants. In this episode, Michael Sanz and Darren Hunter list out the risks not only with Virtual Assistants but also risks that happen in a typical real estate office, but more importantly what things you can have in place with your Virtual Assistants and team members, to reduce your risk of a data breach occurring… substantially. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can do to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #31- The NINE Keys to Effective Delegation
If you hang on to tasks that someone else could do more cost-effectively than you can… then you must delegate. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz outlines the NINE keys to effective delegation so you can focus on higher-value, more dollar-productive tasks instead. Whether it’s to another team member in the office or virtually, if you need to delegate your tasks (or know you should be), you need to listen to this podcast episode. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can do to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #30- TRUE COST Challenge: PM Office Staff Versus Virtual Staff
When you add it all up, with a property manager salary, plus additional costs like super and work cover, plus operational expenses (car/phone/rent/tech/cloud subscriptions etc) to have them based at your office, how much an hour it all actually costs versus that of a Virtual Assistant… per hour. When a Virtual Assistant can do up to 80% of the same tasks a Property Manager can do (once trained), you need to know if you’re wrongly assigning lower-value tasks to your higher cost office staff, when they could be done much cheaper. In this podcast, Michael Sanz dissects these costs in detail so you can see for yourself, and know what tasks could be done virtually. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #29- Best FIVE PM TASKS to unbusy your team with right away
Michael Sanz from Teams By Design managed 650 properties with an in-office team of 1.5 staff, and 80% of the work being done by Virtual Assistants elsewhere. In this podcast episode, Michael gives you the very best FIVE tasks you should offload now, to get the best results to UNBUSY your team the fastest so they focus more on customer service and growing your rent roll. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #28- SIX BIG Virtual Assistant Hiring Mistakes…You Must Avoid!
To the in-experienced hiring a Virtual Assistant from another country is FULL is pitfalls and pain for the unwary. Michael Sanz from Teams by Design, together with Darren Hunter list of the biggest mistakes that you can run into, so you can avoid them and have the best hiring experience the very first time. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #27- SEVEN BUSTED MYTHS… Hiring Virtual Assistants
Myths like ‘Virtual Assistants can do everything’ to ‘they shouldn’t make mistakes to ‘they don’t need focus, care or attention’ and ‘they’re unable to speak to clients, tenants or tradespeople’ Michael Sanz from Teams By Design and Darren Hunter layout the SEVEN biggest myths and wrong mindsets real estate business owners have when thinking about hiring Virtual Assistants. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #26- Filipino VAs: SIX Things you didn’t know (but should)
Employing Virtual Assistants based in the Philippines is a great way to get low-end mundane tasks done and UNBUSY your team. There are SIX things we reckon you didn’t know (but should) about workers from this fascinating country. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #25- SEVEN BIG MISTAKES Virtual Assistant Companies Make
There are many different virtual assistant companies out there that you can choose from, but also there are many pitfalls we want you to be aware of as well so you do not end up with a bad experience. In this podcast episode Michael Sanz from Teams By Design goes through the SEVEN BIG MISTAKES he’s seen out there when working with virtual assistant companies. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #24- FIVE Tasks your PM Team CANNOT Do… without a Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant can do some pretty amazing things your team simply cannot do because you likely do not have the resources. Michael Sanz from Teams by Design shows you how you can satisfy every new tenant enquiry, take every phone call, return every email promptly and even get your tenants to always pay their rent on time! Michael Sanz reveals HOW in this episode. Go to for a list of 30 Tasks Virtual Assistants can be doing to unbusy your PM Team.
Episode #23- FIVE Dangers of DIY- ‘Doing It Yourself’ without a VA Company
Dealing directly with a Virtual Assistant without the backing and support of a VA company behind them is a risky move, and in this podcast episode, Michael Sanz and Darren Hunter outline the five main risks involved. Sure, you might be able to save a few dollars employing a freelancer through platforms like Upwork (or otherwise) but there’s a minefield of potential issues lying in wait for you to potentially ruin your experience! Get smart and know what they are in this podcast episode!
Episode #22- SIX Complaints Virtual Assistants Have (that they want you to know!)
Virtual Assistants are real people and get negatively affected when things are not done right. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz, together with Darren Hunter, go through the top complaints Virtual Assistants have working for real estate offices. Know the issues, so you can avoid them so you and your Virtual Assistant can have an awesome experience working together.
Episode #21- Before a VA Starts: FIVE Essential Things we teach your VA first
OK…you’ve selected your Virtual Assistant in a Zoom interview and you’re happy and ready to go. BEFORE they start with you, there are FIVE key things we must now train them on… and in this podcast episode, Michael Sanz, together with Darren Hunter, outline what they are. From actual property manager ‘nuts and bolts’ training, to call simulations, to language, slang, culture and even location learning, you’d be surprised to know everything they get exposed to before they start with you.
Episode #20- Before a VA Starts: What You Need to Have Ready
Regretfully many companies are not ready for their Virtual Assistant the first day they start and that can cause issues and problems for everyone concerned. To have the best VA experience Michael Sanz together with Darren Hunter outline all the simple things you need to have ready, for when your Virtual Assistant starts.
Episode #19- The ELEVEN CHECKPOINTS of Recruiting a Virtual Assistant for Property Management
The Teams By Design recruitment process means only up to 2% of applicants meet the criteria to work with property management agencies and TBD clients. In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz pulls apart the TBD application and rigid recruitment ELEVEN check-point process that takes a Virtual Assistant from application to being a trusted team member working for a real estate office. The process is very thorough…find out in this episode.
Episode #18- [Using Virtual Assistants] How Michael achieved ZERO vacancies over 2 years with 650 Doors
Michael truly thinks outside the box, throwing away conventional thinking. It’s no secret that Michael was an early adopter of leasing technology but also systems in place to ensure EVERY tenant enquiry was answered and followed up. He boasted to prospective clients being able to rent property x4 faster than his competitors with twice the amount of tenants looking at his listings than other agencies. This resulted in a solid point of difference that turned very quickly into new business at full fees. In this podcast episode, Michael explains how it all worked and came together using Virtual Assistants (his secret weapon). Contact Michael at
Episode #17- Dealing with Security and Privacy Concerns when using Virtual Assistants
One of the concerns that come up from time to time by employers that have not yet worked with a Virtual Assistant is security and privacy. In this podcast episode together with Darren Hunter Michael Sanz from Teams By Design tackles all the big issues one by one and shows you that in fact, you’re better off with Virtual Assistants when it comes to these concerns, as you have much better control than over regular team member in your office. Contact Michael at
Episode #16- The Rent Review and Lease Renewal Process: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
How can a virtual assistant help with rental appraisals and get the tenancy ready for the lease renewal, plus take over all the heavy lifting for the property manager so all they need to do is the high-end tasks and check the lease before it gets sent out and signed. In this podcast episode Michael explains how you can get a virtual assistant to do nearly ALL of this whole process most efficiently and cost-effectively than you can at your office, so you can UNBUSY your PM team! Contact Michael at
Episode #15- [Using Virtual Assistants] How Michael had ZERO late rent over 2 years with 650 Properties
What an amazing feat! Michael Sanz had ZERO late rent over 2 years across 650 properties using Virtual Assistants! The key was in total early intervention and phone calls that were made the day after the rent was due. Learn HOW Michael did it and not only how he trained his Virtual Assistants but also how he trained his tenants starting at the application stage. Contact Michael at
Episode #14- Preparing the New Tenancy and Tenant Induction: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
Once the tenancy application has been approved, the work of a property manager is not finished yet (not by a long shot!). A virtual assistant can now be assisting with data entry, preparing the welcome pack, the ingoing inspection report management and then also assisting with the tenant induction process. Michael explains how a virtual assistant can be involved in all of these important processes and take the burden off the shoulders of your team. Contact Michael at
Episode #13- Managing All Leasing Enquiries and Viewings: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
Leasing is a HUGE process involving many emails, calls, and booking management that can leave a property manager exhausted. Even online booking systems cannot manage every enquiry that comes from tenants, so regretfully a lot of enquiries simply go unanswered. Michael Sanz discusses how he trained Virtual Assistants to look after every email, phone call, and property viewing booking with ease, bragging a full 100% new tenant enquiry response rate…something his competitors could never ever do! Contact Michael at
Episode #12- Repairs and Maintenance: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
Repairs and maintenance take up around 8-10 hours a week of a property manager’s time and focus, so wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get Virtual Assistants to do this work! Impossible you say….not at all, and Michael Sanz proves to you in this eye-opener podcast episode how you can get even the most difficult and tricky issues sorted quickly and efficiently by trained Virtual Assistants. Contact Michael at
Episode #11- Taking After-Hours Calls: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
Burn-out is the number #1 reason why staff resigns and when it’s near impossible now to find quality property managers…bosses need to stop their staff taking calls after-hours so they can switch off 100%, and totally reduce the staff turnover issue. Michael Sanz, together with Darren Hunter discuss how you can successfully get Virtual Assistants to take after-hours calls so team members can successfully switch off. Contact Michael Sanz at
Episode #10- Processing Tenancy Applications: How to get Virtual Assistants to do it!
Michael’s Virtual Assistant team at Teams By Design have processed about 100,000 tenancy applications, and in this episode Michael shares with you the ins and outs and everything that’s covered, to have this vitally important process done right if it will save hours of work for property managers in a typical week. This podcast episode is a real insight to a rigid process that’s likely more comprehensive than most property managers would normally process applications. Contact Michael Sanz at
Episode #9- [Five Important Steps] How to Find and Recruit a Virtual Assistant
Michael Sanz has employed hundreds of Virtual Assistants and has worked out a system that he shares with you in this podcast episode, together with Darren Hunter. Starting with what countries work best, where to place ads, how to process the many applicants, how to run tests and then to group and one-on-one interviews and then to training, Michael’s shows you what you need to do, and how he does it. If you’re thinking of employing a virtual assistant, this podcast episode is a must! Contact Michael at
Episode #8- Employing an Executive Assistant to keep you totally organised
Yes, you’ve heard about Virtual Assistants but what about Virtual Executive Assistants to keep you organised? If you’re a Boss or Leader in the business and struggle to stay organised- this podcast featuring Michael and Deniz’ Executive Assistant Charlotte is for you! Contact Michael at for more information.
Episode #7- How Michael exploded his BUSINESS GROWTH with 1.5 Staff on 650 doors, using VAs
You could easily justify employing ONE virtual assistant full-time just to grow your rent roll, as the return on investment far outweighs the VA cost. Michael Sanz and Deniz Yusuf together with Darren Hunter show you FIVE WAYS you can do it. Contact Michael at for more information.
Episode #6- FIVE Ways to Grow your Rent Roll using a Virtual Assistant
You could easily justify employing ONE virtual assistant full-time just to grow your rent roll, as the return on investment far outweighs the VA cost. Michael Sanz and Deniz Yusuf together with Darren Hunter show you FIVE WAYS you can do it. Contact Michael at for more information.
Episode #5- Overcoming English Skills, Time Zone and ‘Employing Local Only’ Concerns
In this episode of the Outsourced PM Podcast Show, we discuss these three concerns that real estate bosses and department managers have before they employ a virtual assistant. Michael Sanz steps up to the plate together with Darren Hunter to deliver how these issues are no problem at all. For 30 different PM Tasks you can easily outsource and ‘unbusy’ your team with, go to
Episode #4- Overcoming Task Accuracy and Training Time Concerns
“How do I ensure task accuracy?” and “But training a VA takes up too much of my time!” are the most common objections we come across. In this episode of the Outsourced PM Podcast Show Michael Sanz and Darren Hunter dissect these issues so you can overcome them to be able to successfully ‘unbusy’ and ‘unshackle’ your team from never-ending low-value admin tasks. For 30 different PM Tasks you can easily outsource and ‘unbusy’ your team with, go to
Episode #3- NINE Issues to Navigate when Employing Virtual Assistants
Employing staff always has issues, so it’s common sense to know that employing virtual assistants also has unique issues you need to be aware of. In this episode, Darren Hunter and Michael Sanz go through the NINE main issues you need to be aware of to ensure your VA experience is a good one and to be able to work successfully with your PM team.
Episode #2- [30 Task List] How to Outsource up to 80% of Your PM tasks and ‘unbusy’ your Team
In this podcast episode, Michael Sanz, together with Darren Hunter, lists off the 30 PM tasks and activities that can be easily outsourced away from your team, to free up their time to do more dollar-productive activities. For the full list of the tasks, go to
Episode #1- Michael’s Story- How he managed 650 doors with 1.5 staff
Michael Sanz is truly a real estate success story and in this first episode of The Outsourced PM Podcast Show, Michael Sanz shares his journey of how he successfully managed a rent roll of 650 doors in Melbourne, with only 1.5 staff employed in the office to manage the portfolio, while being able to outsource up to 80% of the team’s tasks successfully using virtual assistants.