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Secret #7 - HOW many properties can a property manager manage?
Secret #12 - Get GREAT at saying NO!
Secret #15 - STOP Office Interruptions…and create task speed.
Secret #16 - Identify and Reduce Self-Distractions.
Secret #18 - The MAGIC of Batching Your Tasks.
Secret #19 - Even Faster Speed when Batching within Task Batches.
Secret #20 - An uncluttered desk means an uncluttered mind!
Secret #26 - Touch it once…no double-handling!
Secret #34 - Avoid email ping-pong.
Secret #38 - Batch your emails into time blocks.
Secret #39 - Get control using a ‘Voice Message’.
Secret #43 - You control the appointment- not someone else!
Secret #44 - Say NO to STUPID requests!
Secret #45 - Always give a day and a date.
Secret #46 - Control your ‘blow-ins’ and appointment time length.
Secret #47 - Take charge of ‘chit-chat’ with “I’m racing the clock!”.
Secret #52 - Don’t play phone tag…make a phone appointment instead!
Secret #53 - Establish ‘Appointment Only’ availability.
Secret #54 - Get it done in the car now…not later!
Secret #55 - Do the little rocks around big rocks.
Secret #56 - Don’t overload your routine inspection agenda.
Secret #57 - If it’s complicated, do a video.
Secret #58 - Get the final inspection done before the tenant or owner arrives.
Secret #59 - Use Siri to remember it!
Secret #60 - Don’t leave the office for small stuff.
Secret #61 - Time block your calendar for Out of Office work.
Secret #62 - Carry a Car Cleaning Kit.
Secret #66 - Educate your owners and tenants at the start.
Secret #67 - Don’t give out your mobile number.
Secret #68 - Write out your to-do list before you go home.
Secret #69 - Deal with a BIG issue before you go home.
Secret #70 - Have a personal ritual to switch off.
Secret #71 - Dealing with Procrastination.
Secret #72 - Dealing with becoming overwhelmed!
Secret #73 - Program Your Brain into a Time Management Machine…in 30 days
(even if you suck at managing your time)!
Secret #74 - Remove Toxic Owners from your rent roll.
Secret #75 - Creating an Ideal Week that works.
Secret #76 - Effective Time Management for BDM’s.