When it comes to charging for repairs and maintenance, it's one of the easiest fees you can ask for—yet, most property managers resist it.
I’ve heard it time and time again: “Owners won’t pay for that!” or “Isn’t that covered by the management fee?”
But let me tell you, this fee is not only achievable but is also a significant revenue source.
In fact, I’ve seen agents charge it successfully for years, even in markets where their competitors refuse to consider it.
Let me explain how you can introduce this fee effortlessly.
Here in Adelaide, there are three agencies (that I know of) that charge a repairs and maintenance fee. Interestingly, they aren’t in direct competition with each other—they operate in different market areas. But they are all surrounded by agencies that don’t charge this fee.
I’ve spoken to one of these agents, a personal friend of mine, and asked him how often he faces resistance from owners.
He was surprised by the question with: “What do you mean, Darren? We’ve been charging it for 12 years. No one’s ever questioned it.” In fact he said that in last year alone, this fee earned them $12,000 in additional revenue.
The reality is, owners don’t really care whether you charge it or not—if you ask for it in the right way.
You don’t need to overcomplicate this process. Here’s a simple script to use when discussing fees with an owner:
Script: "Mr. Smith, our management fee is X%, which covers all monies collected. This includes rent and, where applicable, water charges. In addition, we also charge the same percentage for any repairs and maintenance we conduct on your behalf."
And that’s it! You don’t need to go into excessive detail. Most owners won’t even question it. They often don’t know what’s included under the management fee and what’s not—whatever you say becomes the standard.
Here’s a fundamental truth: you can charge any fee as long as you believe you’re worth it and you know how to explain it. If you believe in the value of your service, your clients will too.
In the rare instance that an owner does question the repairs and maintenance fee, here’s how to respond:
Script: "Mr. Smith, that’s a great question. Have you ever noticed rental properties that look old, tired, and poorly maintained? Often, that’s because the agent managing them is purely reactive. When something breaks, they simply fix it without planning ahead. With us, we take a proactive approach. We ensure that the property is maintained regularly—whether it’s keeping the paintwork fresh, cleaning gutters, or pruning trees. This proactive maintenance helps protect the value of your property, and that’s why we charge a small fee for repairs and maintenance."
Doesn’t that make sense? This simple explanation justifies the fee, and it’s all covered in my PM Fee Script Secrets book.
Here’s the truth: you likely won’t need that script because most owners won’t question the fee. The real challenge is overcoming the mindset that tells you owners won’t pay. It’s simply not true.
Test it out for yourself. Next time you’re discussing fees with an owner, confidently state: “We charge X% for all monies collected, including repairs and maintenance.”
And if you want more tips on how to structure and cap fees, my book covers that too.
Remember, PM Fee Scripts Secrets is free—you just need to pay for shipping. Head over to to grab your copy.
Charging a repairs and maintenance fee is easy—it’s only your mindset that makes it seem hard.
The truth is, owners are unlikely to question it, and it can significantly boost your revenue. Don’t let doubt hold you back from charging what you’re worth.
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