
Asked to Discount? Good news: You’ve Just Been Greenlighted! (10 minutes)

When a client asks for a discount, it’s not a setback—it’s a green light that they’re ready to sign with you, but want to see if they can get a better deal first (a sense of value).

This video article dives into handling fee negotiations with confidence, recognising it as part of the real estate game.

Clients are testing you, not because they want the cheapest option, but because they need a reliable property manager.

By responding professionally, you can close the deal at your full fees. Master the art of negotiation and turn fee objections into opportunities to showcase your service and value.

Hi everyone, Darren Hunter here! If you're constantly being asked for discounts and struggling with how to handle these requests, this training is going to be a game-changer for you. We'll dive deep into the art of negotiation, especially in the real estate industry, and help you understand what’s really happening when clients ask for a fee reduction.

Negotiating Fees is a Part of ‘Real Estate’

Firstly, if you’re a property manager or a BDM (Business Development Manager), you likely work for a real estate office with a boss who knows sales.

Real estate agents are no strangers to negotiation—whether it’s haggling over commission rates or dealing with low-ball offers from buyers. Negotiation is a critical skill for any successful real estate salesperson.

However, the sad truth is that this training doesn’t always trickle down to BDMs or property managers.

But here’s the thing: the same negotiation principles apply to you.

In real estate, negotiating fees is expected. It’s just part of the game when dealing with landlords, buyers, or sellers.

Why ‘Real Estate’ is Different

Here’s something to keep in mind: the same landlord who asks for a discount from you won’t ask for one at the supermarket checkout or when ordering from McDonald’s drive-thru.

They don’t negotiate everywhere—they do it with you because you're in ‘real estate’. It's part of the industry culture, and it’s up to you to learn how to navigate it.

Think about when you’re on vacation in Bali or Fiji, negotiating on a price for a bag or a dress—it’s part of the fun.

Or when you’re on Facebook Marketplace, you’re likely going to ask for a lower price, right? It’s the same concept.

Real estate fees are all about negotiation.​

Recognising When They Enter ‘Negotiation Mode’

When you’ve spent time discussing your services with a potential client and they hit you with the “But the other agent is cheaper” line, understand that they’ve entered negotiation mode.

​This means they’re almost in buying mode. They’ve likely already decided that they want to sign up with you—they’re just trying to see if they can get a better fee first!

Know That You've Just Been ‘Green Lighted’

Don’t panic when they bring up another agent’s fees as a reference. They haven’t made up their mind to go with someone else, but they’re making it sound like they are!

In most cases, they’ve already chosen you—they’re just testing the waters to see if they can get the best of both worlds (you and a discount).

They’re playing a negotiation game, and it’s your job to play it right back.

How to Handle the Negotiation ‘Tennis Game’

Think of negotiation like a game of tennis: they hit you with the question, and it’s your turn to hit it back with a confident response.

This back-and-forth can be fun for them, but they’re not professionals at it, so they’re likely to ask only once.

They’ll hit a tennis ball your way, and you just need to step into the ball and hit back with confidence together with a good script.

Responding Confidently is the Key

The way you respond will determine whether you close the deal at your fees or theirs.

But one thing is certain—something is going to get signed. It might as well be at your fees, right?

This is a critical moment, and how you handle it will make all the difference.

Fee Negotiation is a Ritual for Many!

Understand that for many clients, negotiating fees is part of the ritual of doing business in real estate. It’s something they feel they should do, even if they’ve already decided to hire you.

Some clients even get offended if they’re not given the chance to negotiate! It’s just the nature of the industry.

In my book, ‘Win Your Worth Secrets’, I cover this topic in detail. One of the best scripts you can use is:

"Mr. Smith, we can’t lower our management fee, but what we can do is…"

This gives you room to offer something else of value without lowering your fee.

The book is free, by the way—just pay for shipping. Go to for the book.

Your Prospects Really Want a Quality Property Manager…Over Anything Else!

Remember, when clients are looking for a property manager, their biggest worry isn’t finding the cheapest agent—they’re losing sleep over finding a quality, reliable property manager.

They’re anxious about getting a bad tenant, the mortgage not being paid, or the property getting damaged.

Cheap fees won’t fix that issue, and they know it! If they hit you with the “But the other agent is cheaper” line, it’s just a negotiation tactic. They’re not actually fee-focused.

They’re looking for someone they can trust to manage their property well, and they’re just testing you to see if they can get a better deal.

It’s All Part of the Game

In most cases, when clients ask for a discount, they’ve already done their research. They’ve found a couple of agents who charge lower fees, and they’re using that information as a negotiation tool. It’s all part of the game.
They want you, but they’re just seeing if they can ‘squeeze’ a better deal out of you first.

So, when you get asked for a discount, don’t be rattled. Instead, recognise it for what it is—a sign that you’ve already been chosen.

Now, it’s just about handling the negotiation confidently and professionally.​

Remember- They’re Just Testing You!

To win at this negotiation game, you need to be prepared. Understand that most clients aren’t losing sleep over finding a cheap agent—they’re worried about finding someone who will do the job right.

When they ask for a discount, they’re just testing you. Respond confidently, and you’ll most likely close the deal at your full fee.

So, get good at negotiation and remember—you’ve already been green-lighted!

For more tips on negotiation, check out the book ‘Win Your Worth Secrets’ at, where you can get a free copy—just cover the shipping.


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